Applications for Service

For applications: You can print the application, pressure waiver and information sheet from the links below. Or you can download and complete the forms and email them back in. Please use a signature font if completing forms digitally.  Please contact Pleasant Valley PSD if you are planning on starting service so you can complete the necessary steps to complete your water service. Please email, fax or drop off at office location all applications and low pressure waivers. A copy of a valid drivers license or ID is required for each application. For landlord agreements, all landlords wanting to complete form can do so in the same ways as the application for service documents. APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE COMPLETED THRU WEBSITE ONLY PRINTED/ DOWNLOADED AS STATED ABOVE. Email is provided at the top of the application for service. Applications, Security Deposits, and all other necessary forms are needed to be completed and returned to us before service will be establised. 

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